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5 of the most important … seldom taught… lessons for a beginner lash artist.

1. Posture, posture, posture!!

I can’t stress this one enough. Save yourself years of back pain by getting in the habit of having good posture now! So many of us roll our shoulders forward and hunch our backs to see the lashes up close – DON’T, trust me, after sitting like this for hours, day after day, you’ll regret it!

Keep those shoulders back and position your bed height so you don’t have to curl your back over. Posture corrector’s (they look like little backpacks without the bag) are a great help in reminding us to keep our shoulders back. If you can’t stop your self from rolling your shoulders forward, you can easily pick one of these up on Amazon.

Don’t be afraid to ask your client to re-adjust if you need to, she won’t mind! For example, I am 5’2” and always need to have my bed a little lower, as well as my client up further on the bed with her head tilted back. This way I am not having to hunch over her for the proper sightline.

2. It’s OKAY to say “No.” to a client.

This one can be hard for some. Especially in the beginning, when all we want is to appease our clients, so they keep coming back! One of the biggest, and hardest lessons I learned as a newbie was that not all clients that walk through my door are going to be the “right” client for me. Some client’s continuously try to bargain for deals, refuse to maintain an acceptable aftercare (coming back in with filthy lashes), push for lengths that I know, as a professional, are going to damage her natural lashes, are consistently late or reschedule at the last minute, come in for a ‘fill’ when it is clearly a full set…and the list goes on.

It is ABSOLUTELY OKAY to say “No.” to these types of behaviours. When you treat yourself with respect, you will attract clients that also respect you and your time.

You are building a brand, running a company. You want your business to run smoothly, efficiently and keep a positive reputation. You have put a lot of time and effort into learning your trade and deserve to be treated as such.

Remember to take care of yourself as well. As we get busier, we often ‘feel bad’ saying no to a client who wants to be “squeezed in” when we’ve already had a full day. We end up working 10 - 12 hour days, coupled with bad posture, we’re just asking for trouble. Set yourself a schedule and STICK to it! Schedule time for the gym, or a hike, whatever it is you like to do, and let your client’s book in where they can. This way you don’t burn yourself out. You’re no good to anyone if your mental or physical health is suffering.

3. Get a Temp/Humidity reader ASAP!

All of us were (or should have been) taught about HOW our adhesives work. Temperature, humidity and the chemical reaction they cause in order for our adhesives to cure. All adhesives have an “optimal range” in which they work best. This can be found on the supplier’s website and sometimes on the bottle.

There is nothing more frustrating than our adhesives either drying too quickly, spoiling too fast or even worse, drying too slowly. When our adhesive dries too slowly, this leaves a longer amount of time for the fumes to irritate our clients eyes and can even cause chemical burns (BIG no, no!).

What some of us WEREN’T taught – is WHY this is happening! Well, here you go…

When your adhesive is drying too slowly that means there is not enough humidity and/or the temperature is too low. When the humidity/temperature is too high, it will go thick and dry too quickly. The adhesive will already begin curing before you even place the lash causing poor retention. You can also get a reaction known as “blooming” where the adhesive can turn white.

If you do not have a way of monitoring your humidity and temperature you will never know whether or not your in your optimal range and how to fix it (humidifier vs. dehumidifier, heat on vs. air-conditioner).

Knowing your temperature and humidity at all times will allow you to:

- Keep your clients comfortable and safe from excess fumes

- Eliminate adhesive waste from spoilage

- Ensure maximum retention

- Ensure you are getting the best of what your adhesive has to offer


Don’t be afraid to raise your prices! We all start with lower prices as we begin, because hey! We’re still learning… But this isn’t always the best tactic. I always recommend to my students that they price their services at where they want them to be in 6 months, then offer an “introductory special”, keeping the prices at our ‘learning rates’ for the next 6 months. This way our clients aren’t surprised when we start charging more as we gain confidence.

Now you’ve got your speed and confidence up and you feel like you’re ready to charge full price – or maybe you’ve just been at the same price for years and it’s time for a raise – but you’re TERRIFIED you’ll lose clients! Well let me put it to you this way: Even if you double your prices and lose HALF your clients… you’re now working HALF as much but making the same amount of money! Sounds good doesn’t it? Don’t be afraid to lose a client or two, you will always find more clients who are willing to pay for your expertise. The ones who are willing to pay for your quality and expertise will be your most loyal clients – they’re not bargain shoppers.

“I don’t do cheap sets; I fix cheap sets.”

5. Join Lash Forum groups!

As newbie lash artists, so often we are left to our own devices after our certification. I remember, after two days of training, going home and thinking “now what?” I had no one to turn to, to ask questions. Of course, when I began my Lash Artistry journey, there wasn’t a whole lot of us out there, volume lashes didn’t exist yet, and the company I had taken my training with didn’t offer any follow-up help or mentorship. I was left to figure out everything through trial and error… and what a journey it was! (Lol!)

Nowadays, we are so lucky to have an abundance of places online we can turn to if we have questions or need help with something. Lash forum groups are one of my favourite ways to reach out. There are so many women who are more than happy to answer any and all questions a newbie or experienced artist might have. I strongly suggest you join one if you haven’t already! Take advantage of artist’s helping artist’s all over the world.

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